On 4/27/13 7:29 PM, Ant wrote:
> Hello.
> Has anyone had Flash videos go blank and act weird as shown in 
> http://i.imgur.com/GugQV05.gif as an example? I have to either exit/quit 
> SeaMonkey or kill Flash's plugin-container.exe process. I did not have 
> this problems with older Flash versions like v11.5 or earlier. It 
> started recently with v11.6 and v11.7 IIRC. It seems to happen a lot 
> lately. I tried clearing caches, but that doesn't seem to help.
> I keep my SeaMonkey, Windows, and Flash player plugins/addon updated. I 
> never see this problem on my office machine with 64-bit W7 EE SP1 and 
> similiar softwares installed. 
> http://pastie.org/private/biufyftsz7kofbu1kk6q for my Process Explorer 
> v15.3 dump of Flash's plugin-container.exe going wacky.
> Thank you in advance. :)

Windows XP SP3
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:20.0) Gecko/20100101 SeaMonkey/2.17.1
Flash 11.7.700.169 (11.7 r700(169))

I do not have this problem viewing

David E. Ross

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