Ed Mullen wrote:
Not@home wrote:
I have SeaMonkey 2.20 on a Vista machine.

For sites I don't consider vital, I have SeaMonkey remember the
passwords, and when I forget one, I open Password Manager and look it up.

However, with the latest version of SeaMonkey, this no longer works.  It
still acts like it is remembering the passwords, but when I go to look
one up, the Password manager option opens Data Manager, showing all the
cookies that have been installed.

Is there a way to look up my forgotten passwords?

This might help:


Put that into your location bar and press Enter.  Then filter on the
domain in question.

There is an easier way to locate your passwords then that suggested by Ed Mullen.

To lookup a forgotten password click on the menu item Tools->Password Manager->Manage Stored Passwords

When the new window opens locate the name of the site you forgot the password for in the left hand sidebar and highlight it. Next in the window on the right you will see the option "Passwords" at the top of the window. Click on it. At the bottom of the right page you see the option "show Passwords" and the password for the highlighted site will be revealed along with your username.

I use this method whenever I forget a password. Much easier than having to first locate your user profile file and find a cryptic file.

I prefer not to have to delve into my user profile if I can obtain the same result using the SeaMonkey Menu (ui). It is much safer as messing with the user profile may in some cases mess things up if one is not careful.
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