Philip Taylor wrote:

[quoting me without attribution:]
If you are determined to continue this policy of obstructionism,
you should start your own forum, with a rule that all questions
are public and all answers are private. Good luck with that.

An answer sent in private is private. The recipient is neither
required nor permitted (other than with the explicit consent of the
sender) to disclose the contents to anyone. A recipient who has the
courtesy to acknowledge such private replies on-list should be
commended, not castigated.

Straw man. No one's asking for information that should properly be kept private. I don't need personal information about the sender; if they prefer not to be recognized as helpful, so be it.

But if on a public forum someone asks for a solution to a problem that other users may share, and one is given privately, why should that solution be kept secret? Who could possibly benefit from such secrecy, and who could possibly be harmed by disclosing the solution? The point of the forum is to share solutions, not to conceal them. Ed Mullen's criticism was not for giving thanks, it was for concealing the solution.

I have it on good authority (from one of the moderators) that my
previous reply was not off-topic and would not be counted against

"Physician, heal thyself" -- if you believe that private messages
should be made public without the consent of the sender, then
forward to the list the message to which you refer, rather than
claiming to cite an anonymous moderator.

As luck would have it, I didn't save it; it never occurred to me that I would need it. But he's a regular here and is doubtless reading messages with the "ADMIN" flag, so we'll see what he has to say soon enough.

BTW, why would you set followup to "/dev/null"? Yet another way of gumming up the works? Why are you even here if you are so opposed to what we do?

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher
support-seamonkey mailing list

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