LnrB wrote:
WaltS wrote:
sean nathan wrote:
> Stéphane Grégoire wrote, On 11/30/2013 06:10 AM:
>> Hi,
>> Ed Mullen a tapoté, le 27/11/2013 08:33:
>>> What theme do you use?  Default? Modern?  Or some add-on?
>> <https://addons.mozilla.org/fr/seamonkey/addon/debian-simple/>
> I've mostly never understood why folks spend so much time on
> personas/themes etc... As long as everything works I'm happy. Also
> time someone mentions a theme, I'm usually confronted with "This theme
> not available for Seamonkey 2.whatever ...
> This simple grey installed fine, everything works satisfactorily, but
> I'm wondering why there's a giant swirly in the upper right corner?

It is the Debian logo, and part of the theme design.


I had that once, a long time ago, before I got it through my thick head
that Linux was GeekWare and I would never speak Penguin.
You should have tried out more newbie friendly distros rather than using "build everything yourself" and use "command line for everything" distros.

GNOME 3.10.1
openSUSE 13.1 (Bottle) (x86_64) 64-bit
Kernel Linux 3.11.6-4-desktop
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