Trane Francks wrote:
On 12/7/13 4:52 AM +0900, Rufus wrote:
David E. Ross wrote:
On 12/5/2013 4:27 PM, DoctorBill wrote:
I have a file hiding system I use to keep people
out of banking and stock files called "Hide Files
and Folders".

Up until just recently it worked fine (have a
shortcut key set up).

Suddenly it has been throwing up the little "Enter
Password" window unprompted at odd times.
I have to click cancel or the "X" to get it to go
away.   Most annoying.

Happens when SeaMonkey is running......

Could this be due to something in my SM
preferences that somehow got changed ?


This was a bug that was closed, possibly in SeaMonkey/2.16 or
thereabouts.  It was definitely fixed before SeaMonkey/2.22.1.  You are
using SeaMonkey/2.12.1, in which it was definitely not yet fixed.'s still broke and was never fixed in the Mac version as far as the
Master Password prompt goes.  I still see random Master Password prompts
every session.  I get the impression that my Pref setting is simply
being ignored or something like that.

According to your user agent, you're using SM 2.13.2. If so, that's not
quite fresh. That said, I guess I've been lucky; I've never seen a
random password prompt. Once during start-up and that's that.

I use 2.13.2 on the machines I use most in order to avoid the short drawn dialogs bug, but I use 2.22.1 on my laptop and I get random prompts for Master Password there as well.

It's been and remained broken in every release since about 1.1.16 on my installs and I did submit a bug on it, but no usual. This is another one I'm pretty sure is a Mac only problem, but since I was wrong about that with the short-drawn dialogs I won't swear to it.

     - Rufus
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