A Williams schrieb, Am 19.12.2013 12:04:
Wolf wrote:
Rob schrieb, Am 19.12.2013 10:19:
Wolf <nomail@nomail.invalid> wrote:

I think it started with Seamonkey 2.19, that SM will rewrite the flash
directories upon closing.  On my 32 Bit Linux Mint 13 system it is
in my
home directory:

When I delete
Seamonkey is reconstructing the whole path including the "settings.sol"
file upon closing.

Probably not Seamonkey which is doing that, but the Flash player.

It is defnetly not Adobes Flash Player, because Javascript and Flash is
disabeld in both browsers, Firefox and SeaMonkey, only Seamonkey is
rebuilding the Flash path and file. :-(


If you have them disabled in the browser, why are they installed in the
first place?
ok, Java makes sense in a Linux environment, but what is the point of
having Flash installed?  I don't.  The standard Linux program for .mp4
files can handle .flv just as well.

Shakespeare would say: “Flash or no, that was not the question.”
The Question is: ”Why is Seamonkey reconstructing the Flash path and file?”


OS: Linux Mint 13, MATE, 32 Bit
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:26.0) Gecko/20100101 SeaMonkey/2.23
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