PhillipJones wrote:
Trane Francks wrote:
On 12/20/13 4:17 AM +0900, Rufus wrote:
Trane Francks wrote:
On 12/19/13 2:40 AM +0900, EE wrote:
PhillipJones wrote:
Daniel wrote:
PhillipJones wrote: wrote:
The new SeaMonkey version is totally not compatible in
with the new Mavericks OS from MacIntosh (Apple) All the pages are
different and most of the page graphics are gone presenting a 50%
blank page.  Log-in buttons no longer show up for Amazon or Ebay
Images under Google search are not accessible as no search button
shows up? A lot of graphics in emails that were previously visible
(Such as a COSTCO AD) are now blank and can only be seen if you
the forward setting for the email. All this dysfunction makes
Seamonkey not usable at this time so I am moving over to Firefox
still works with Mavericks. Hopefully, the next version will be
Mavericks Compatible?

I'm using SeaMonkey 2.23 on Mavericks

This is what mine looks like:

Phillip, clicking your link basically gets me a blank'ish page!

That's odd I clicked on it and worked fine and its supposed to be a
Public link.

What I really notice is that most of the text in the interface is in
italics.  Is that deliberate, or are the fonts not working properly?

It sure served up a great reminder of how elegant the Default theme is
compared to Modern on OS X. LOL

I can't stand the Defaut looks jumbled, muddle, and confusing
to me.  I don't need or want to see all those disjointed colors.

SM Mondern Theme forever on my installs - Mac OS and/or Win7!

You're certainly not describing the Default theme on OS X. The Default
theme on OS X has the classical Mac app look since SM 2.0. From the
release notes: "The default theme on Mac OS X was completely renewed to
better fit with the look of Leopard and Snow Leopard."

It's beautiful.

My favorite theme  is  Orbit 3+1 doesn't work at all on SM 2.23 did on

My absolute favorite was a Theme created by Sailfish called SkyPilot but
when he got tired of messing with themes he sold it to a Fellow That has
no interest in updating it for modern versions of SM. In fact when I
email a requesting an up date for SM he said I m interested %^&$
Seamonkey. Don't contact me again (was my first request). all the built
themes seem too cartoony for me.

If I could customize the color of the window trim on the SM Modern Theme it would be dead-solid perfection!

While having the silver-grey OS X window interface bar hanging over the blueish SM Toolbar presentation isn't really annoying, it would be a nice touch to be able to match their color...or even select any other of my own choosing. Just a thought...that's certainly one of the things that makes Thunderbird look so nice behind Safari.

     - Rufus
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