Interviewed by CNN on 17/02/2014 22:44, OldGuy told the world:
> I Added a few @Live.Com accounts with no problems.
> It automatically set all parameters like Server:
> Mail was downloaded.
> Then I tried to add another valid @LIVE.COM email account and Seamonkey 
> started asking all kinds of questions.
> What is the server?  I put in (copied from an account that 
> SeaMonkey automatically set up).
> Then SeaMonkey announced that Outgoing for this @LIVE.COM account will 
> be routed through a GMail account using one of the GMail accounts I 
> previously added to SeaMonkey.

By the way, Hotmail/Live/ now (well, since about September, I
think) supports IMAP. So you are no longer constrained to use only POP.


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