I felt compelled to write this after the seeing the disaster that Firefox is 
turning into with that new Australis interface.

SeaMonkey developers, you are doing an amazing job. I think the interface is 
excellent, logical and *just works*, especially for desktop.
Please don't feel any need to ruin it in the same way that Firefox has been 
ruined with the dumbed-down Chrome wannabe interface!

If you feel the same, please show your support for SeaMonkey devs. :)

I prefer SM because it's just so familiar.

But! I use and test FF too.  And, I have no beef with FF except for:

- loss of the throbber
- loss of the status bar

Other things, as well as those, can be addressed with add ons.

But I prefer the integrated suite.

Ed Mullen
Just what the hell was the best thing BEFORE sliced bread?
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