Ray_Net wrote:
Mort wrote, On 20/05/2014 16:53:
Mort wrote:

I suddenly cannot search via the top toolbar. I looked up my
EDIT/preferences,and there is no search engine listed. The various icons
there are grayed out or do not work when clicked on. I cannot enter the
name of  a search engine (Google) or do anything in that regard. In
order to search, I must now manually get onto the Google site, then do
the search via their search icon, which is time-consuming.

Any help here will be greatly appreciated.

I am running Windows XP with SP3. I will soon migrate to a newer PC with
Windows 7 Pro, but in the meantime I am stuck with my XP.


Mort Linder

P.S. Doing a system restore did not help. I cannot do a google search;
see above.

Mort Linder
My top tool bar doesnot not show a search engine - it contains only a
zone where i can type the url.
In the tool bar where ia have the home icon, i put a link to Google - so
i just need to click there to have my google search window.
Perhaps you have installed a plugin which is ... disabled/removed/not
working ...

You might want to use a Bookmarlet like I do. I can highlight text and with one click on the Bookmars bar I get taken to the Google results page for that text. Or, click the Bookmarklet with nothing highlighted, a box pops up and you type search terms in and hit Enter. Same results page.


Ed Mullen
To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is research.
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