Interviewed by CNN on 05/06/2014 13:55, told the world:
> I am new here. Today Seamonkey did erase one time more my actual Seamonkey 
> version through the automatic update. And I am sad about it! I am very 
> surprised to have to login at google to discuss with Mozilla people as I, 
> myself, avoid Google as far as possible because of the globalisation of all 
> informations jobs on the world with google as bigest actor. It is the main 
> reason with I use Mozilla and not Chrome! But, ok, Mozilla has no filling 
> about this reallity. Back to my problem with Mozilla. I install a specific 
> version of Mozilla because I have all Mozilla's extensions for this release 
> of Seamonkey, and immediately after start Seamonkey actualize itself and 
> break so my effort to work with it! It is completely silly dilly!!! Why give 
> Seamonkey us the right to download and install old version if Seamonkey 
> implements in them default settings which demolish your choice and work 
> without to ask you if it is really good so?

Default behavior is the only generally assumed to be best for the widest
set of users and circumstances. People who need particular, non-standard
setups should be prepared to have to modify settings.

So, in order:

Q: Why is auto-update on by default?
A: Because a large percentage of users don't know how or don't want to
bother with updating the program to the latest release. Automating the
process ensures that they have the latest version soon after its
release, without the user needing to call tech-support-nephew or
something similar.

Q: Why should we push them to update then anyway?
A: Because, generally speaking, updating is good. Security holes are
patched, new functionality is activated, other bugs are fixed and such.

Q: But I want to use old version X, because...
A: Well, that's you, not most users. Keep in mind that old version X is
no longer supported, and any problems you run into with it will only be
fixed (if still relevant) in future releases. You are almost certainly
using a version with known security problems, and very probably known
HTML-rendering problems which have since been fixed in more recent
builds. Using old versions is strongly discouraged.

Q: So why are old versions still available, if you don't want people to
use them?
A: They are useful for testing. Sometimes an obscure bug will only be
discovered/described long after the code that introduced the bug was
checked into the code repository. Testing old versions to see if they
also exhibit the same incorrect behavior will help to close on the
problem. Mozilla and Seamonkey are open projects that depend heavily on
community participation, so it would make no sense to keep this
investigation resource from the community.

And anyway, since Seamonkey is free/libre/open source, it would be
impossible to _keep_ people from making old versions available somewhere
else. The problem is, can you _trust_ those alternative repositories
(which often have glaring holes in their listings)? So it's better to
offer an official, canonical, complete repository of
guaranteed-virus-free copies of those old versions.

Q:But I want my old extensions, and they aren't compatible with SM 2.26!
A:Check with the community. Many people have run into the problem of
"extension author is not updating it to newer versions of Seamonkey
anymore." In most cases, people will be able to suggest a workaround (so
you can use the old extension in newer Seamonkey releases) or an
alternative extension with similar functionality. Most extensions that
worked with SM 2.0 (and many that worked with SM 1.x or Mozilla Suite)
will still work with current releases; it's just a matter of getting
around the "compatibility check" blockage.

There's also ways to enable extensions officially available only for
Firefox or Thunderbird in Seamonkey -- they don't work always, but they
work often enough.


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* Added by TagZilla 0.7a1 running on Seamonkey 2.26 *
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