Interviewed by CNN on 12/06/2014 13:34, Adrian Kalla told the world:
> W dniu 06/11/2014 o 03:43 PM, BIll Spikowski pisze:
>> Is there any way that I could export Seamonkey bookmarks and use them on
>> an Android tablet?
> If it is about exporting/syncing it to Firefox on Android: just set up
> SeaMonkey Sync on SeaMonkey - and set up the Legacy-Mozilla-Sync on
> Android (called "Firefox Sync (deprecated)". It works for me that way -
> including the "send tab" feature :)

A word of warning... I tried in the past to sync bookmarks between
desktop Seamonkey/Firefox and Fennec (Android Firefox), and ran into a
few problems -- apparently Fennec at that time did not fully support all
the database structures that the desktop Places uses, and some stuff got
messed up. Not REALLY serious if you have just a few bookmarks, but I
have a few THOUSAND ones, spread over dozens of folders, and they kept
going to the wrong places. I eventually gave up on it..

I HOPE the issue has been since fixed, but I haven't tested it. So, just
to be on the safe side, I advise backing up the Places database before
attempting sync with Firefox for Android.


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