WaltS48 wrote:
Rufus wrote:
EE wrote:
Ed Mullen wrote:
Okay.  I may be losing my mind.

I tried those themes mentioned in the thread: "New Complete Themes for

I removed them.

I just noticed that the scroll bars in SeaMonkey are different.  Notice
the vertical scroll bars in these screen shots:



Umm, have they looked like that before?  Or did temporarily installing
those themes somehow permanently modify the packaged Modern theme?  Or
am I just losing it?

Themes do change scrollbars as well as toolbars.

...but they shouldn't persist once you change the Theme to another one.

Now I'm *really* suspicious...

They do if installed as a separate extension when installing the theme.

Nobody noticed they were installing two add-ons?

Looking at the  Metal Lion Silver Sea Monkey theme I see an extension
called Metal Lion Sea Monkey Silver Scrollbars that comes with the
theme. Same for the Sea Monkey Metal Lion theme called Metal Lion Sea
Monkey Scrollbars II.

I like the Silver theme best.

Check your extensions and remove the scrollbar extension.

On the Mac version these are hidden to an extent - they certainly didn't show up in my Add-on list...and they have/had random character .xpi names. I had to fish out the offenders by trial and error to get rid of them. So I have zero idea of just what they were, were doing...or what *else* they might have been doing.

So beware - this is just one more way you can have your machine compromised!

     - Rufus
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