WaltS48 pounded out :
Ed Mullen wrote:
WaltS48 pounded out :
Rufus wrote:
EE wrote:
Ed Mullen wrote:
Okay.  I may be losing my mind.

I tried those themes mentioned in the thread: "New Complete Themes

I removed them.

I just noticed that the scroll bars in SeaMonkey are different.
the vertical scroll bars in these screen shots:



Umm, have they looked like that before?  Or did temporarily
those themes somehow permanently modify the packaged Modern
theme?  Or
am I just losing it?

Themes do change scrollbars as well as toolbars.

...but they shouldn't persist once you change the Theme to another one.

Now I'm *really* suspicious...

They do if installed as a separate extension when installing the theme.

Nobody noticed they were installing two add-ons?

Looking at the  Metal Lion Silver Sea Monkey theme I see an extension
called Metal Lion Sea Monkey Silver Scrollbars that comes with the
theme. Same for the Sea Monkey Metal Lion theme called Metal Lion Sea
Monkey Scrollbars II.

I like the Silver theme best.

Check your extensions and remove the scrollbar extension.

I went to the Mozillazine artice cited in the OP.  There I clicked the
two links:



Each points to a Mozilla add-ons page where I clicked the "Add to
SeaMonkey" buttons.  The only new things that showed up in my Add-ons
Manager were those two themes.  When I Removed them in Add-ons Manager
their .xpi folders/files remained behind, causing the issue I first


There were no Scrollbars extensions shown and zero indication that
something that modifies the Modern theme was going to be installed.

This is what I see when I click "Add to SeaMonkey" for the Metal Lion
Silver theme. Note I can choose to Cancel or Install Now.


For the Metal Lion Theme.


Sorry if you didn't see that there is a Scrollbars extension for each

You were installing a complete theme, not a lightweight theme, and you
expected it to not change your Modern theme?


I expected to only install what the mozilla.addons told me I was installing. And, as far as I can tell, that is only what was installed.

The author of this extension/theme needs to fix his mess.

And, while, the addons.mozilla pages state a caution that mozilla has not reviewd the extension, Mozilla needs to adjust its policies. This is totally unaccepable that something hosted on Mozilla breaks a basic Mozilla sw build. The extension should NOT be hosted at an official Mozilla site.

Ed Mullen
On the keyboard of life, always keep one finger on the escape key.
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