On 8/2/2014 2:22 PM, Geoff Welsh wrote:
> Ed Mullen wrote:
>> David E. Ross pounded out :
>>> On 8/1/2014 2:47 AM, Gabriel wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I cannot see the content of https://www.google.com/fonts with SM 2.26.1
>>>> User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; rv:29.0)
>>>> Gecko/20100101 Firefox/29.0 SeaMonkey/2.26.1
>>>> Build identifier: 20140612182257)
>>>    [snipped]
>>>> I do see the correct page with Firefox 31 !
>>>> Gabriel
>>> Windows 7 (x64)
>>> Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:29.0) Gecko/20100101
>>> SeaMonkey/2.26.1
>>> I can view the page while spoofing Firefox WITHOUT any mention of
>>> SeaMonkey.  In this case "Advertise Firefox compatibility" is worthless.
>> If that is the case then the fault lies with the Web page coding and
>> faulty browser sniffing.
>> And, yes, confirmed, spoofing a User Agent of only Firefox the page
>> displays fine in SeaMonkey. .....
> can you guys remind me how to spoof?  There's more Useragent stuff in 
> About:config than there was before the whole
> Advertise FF Compatibility option
> was added....which is when I stopped doing it.
> I tried changing every Useragent pref every which way, but can't get it 
> spoofiated (I guess)
> GW

I use the PrefBar extension, which has a User Agent menulist.
Occasionally, I update the user agents in that menulist.

The advantage of PrefBar is that your user agent reverts back to the
default (true) value when SeaMonkey is terminated and then launched
again.  This is good in case you forget to restore the default value.

David E. Ross

The Crimea is Putin's Sudetenland.
The Ukraine will be Putin's Czechoslovakia.
See <http://www.rossde.com/editorials/edtl_PutinUkraine.html>.
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