On 9/4/2014 10:52 AM, Trane Francks wrote:
> On 9/3/14 4:46 AM, Mike O'Brien wrote:
>> sea-monkey 2.26.1   run on windows 7.  Two issues that I cant resolve:
>> first each incoming e-mail shows a long list of code begining with the
>> message ID. How do I get rid of this visble code. Second when sea monkey
>> opens it indicates that the following file is missing:   mozalloc.dll
>> Where can I find this file and where should it be stored when found?
>> Thanks for any help.
>> Mike
> Generally speaking, the easiest way to deal with the DLL problem is to
> uninstall SeaMonkey and reinstall it. Something is amiss with your
> installation. If you're stubborn and don't want to do it the easy way,
> you may be able to register the errant DLL. Search for the filename on
> your SeaMonkey install volume and then use Regsvr32 to unregister and
> reregister the DLL. If you don't know how to use Regsvr32, Google it. Be
> aware that the path for the 64-bit and 32-bit versions are different.
> Choose wisely.
> For the first issue, I'm wondering whether you have View | Headers | All
> selected. SeaMonkey offers differing levels of header detail. Just a
> guess, though, not knowing exactly where you're seeing the header
> information.

For #2: You don't have to uninstall... Just reinstall over the old
directory and that will probably solve the problem.

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