Gabriel wrote:
There something wrong with the RAM and CPU usage by SeaMonkey! at least
on Snow Leopard.
Even when SM is hidden in background, it doesn't occupy less than 25/30%
CPU and after a few hours of working with it the RAM usage grows up to
3+ GB !!!
Comparing to Firefox which use about 5/6% CPU when in background and
never more than 1GB, it's absurd!

This is happening every time, even when I'm not doing heavy browsing (no
videos, no huge JS execution...).


I don't doubt it. I have read about so many different problems, here, with 2.29 (and 2.29.1) I see no reason to risk it. I can always use Firefox for security-imperative web stuff.

(btw, just finished installing Snow Leopard on another MBP, it's the best!)
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