Paul Bergsagel wrote on 11/24/2014 9:27 PM:
Ed Mullen wrote:
Rufus wrote on 11/24/2014 4:36 PM:
Ruediger Lahl wrote:
*Robert Kaiser* wrote:
NoOp schrieb:
I'd say your best bet is to support the volunteer developers that
time from their day jobs to work on the SeaMonkey project.

Actually, that's the second best bet. The best bet is to actually
try an
actively help the project, be it with targeted testing and finding
reproducible cases of problems and regression ranges for when problems
have been introduced,

Good idea! Tell me the address, where I can download Windows trunk- or

Some want to help, but they are locked out since June. can we be talking about money and "volunteers" in the same
thread?  If SM is truly a "volunteer" effort, I can't see how any of
this talk even matters.

Not that I've ever believed the premise...

Do you not understand that the SeaMonkey Project is 100% volunteer
supported?  That it is NOT funded by Mozilla? The SM project gets space
on Mozilla's servers for free.  That's about it.

Yes I understand the funding of SeaMonkey. But SeaMonkey depends upon
Code, most notably Gecko which is developed by Mozilla. Without Gecko
there can be no SeaMonkey. Gecko is the engine which renders web pages.
If Mozilla looses its funding,the further updating of gecko may be
severely hampered or even cease. Sure SeaMonkey could continue if Gecko
is no longer being developed. As you say SeaMonkey has volunteers
working on its development. We could put out an internet suite using a
no longer updated gecko engine, but what would be the point? Eventually
Gecko would be so far out of date that more and more webpages would fail
to render properly.

A healthy, well funded Mozilla means a healthy SeaMonkey. If mozilla
looses its funding Mozilla, Firefox, Thunderbird, and Seamonkey will
likely all dies a slow (or Quick?) death. This is why it is important
for the health of SeaMonkey that Mozilla maintain a steady, secure
income source.

Why would you think that Mozilla will lose its funding? There are millions pouring in.

Ed Mullen
Where do forest rangers go to get away from it all?
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