On 11/29/2014 2:23 PM, W3BNR wrote:
On 11/29/2014 3:11 PM, Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:
NoOp wrote:

Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:
NoOp wrote:
Printing the following web page:


results in only the first page being printed. Can someone please

I would not be too quick to file a bug report about your browser. That
is a *horrible* page! I see it fail with several different browsers, at
least four of them. Tell Chef Jeff about the problem instead of

Regardless... perhaps you missed: "Printing the same page with Google
Chromium and Opera results in correctly printing of all 5 pages." That's
Chromium and Opera in both Windows and Linux.

No, I did not miss your comments. I reported my own experience. Regardless
of what you decide to do, it is still a horribly designed page - that
fails in one way or another in multiple browsers of mine.

I wonder what wysiwyg conposer they used for the site.  It is badly
designed and a verification at W3C shows 10 errors in HLTM5.  That means
it probably will work in M$IE. I don't use IE so I can't check out my
thoughts on that.

Looks like a WIX site. Proof again that making it easy doesn't make it good.

Works here in Chrome, fails in both SM and, unsurprisingly, Firefox.

Lem Johnson
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