On 11/12/14 01:51, bobhur...@hurterconsult.com wrote:
Seamonkey has been my main browser/email since the Netscape days and generally 
works very well.

I updated to Seamonkey 2.31 from 2.30 and then it crashed. Whenever I tried 
opening it, it crashed and a problem window came up.  I uninstalled 2.31 and 
then reinstalled it from a downloaded version off the Seamonkey web site.  I 
still could not open it - was getting the same crash message.

I then uninstalled 2.31 and installed 2.30 using a version downloaded from the 
Seamonkey web site.  The 2.30 is working normally.

Anyone else have this problem?

Bob, could it possibly be that you're running a 64bit version on a 32bit OS??


User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:32.0) Gecko/20100101 SeaMonkey/2.29 Build identifier: 20140829003846
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