Ed Mullen wrote:
Paul B. Gallagher wrote on 12/13/2014 1:18 AM:
Miles Fidelman wrote:

Hi Folks,

So it looks like Seamonkey automatically disables the Flash plug-in if
it's older than a certain version.  But.. the update button takes one to
a security alert, not an update page, which leads to two questions:

You're right, that's really user-unfriendly and has been for some time.

1. How does one update it?, or

If you skim through all the fine print in the security alert (I assume
you're referring to
or something like it), you'll find a link to Adobe's download center.
Once you've done it a couple of times, you'll learn to scan through all
the chaff and find it. You're looking for the phrase "Flash Player
Download Center" near the bottom.

2. How does one remove it, to force sites to push HTM5 video (there is
no remove button under tools/add-ons/plugins, the way there is for

(Seamonkey 2.31, Macintosh)

On Windows, the program has to be removed via the Control Panel -- it's
not a feature of the browser, but an independent program (though it does
generally play nice with the browser). For the Mac, look here:

Why not go directly there?


Yes, I agree the plugins check should link there, but it doesn't. Should the user have to bookmark or memorize that link instead, or come here to ask for it?

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher

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