On 2/11/2015 6:12 PM, Ronnie wrote:
Bluehell Firewall is the one I use.  It's excellent. Super lightweight
and completely effective. What I like is that it gets rid of resource
sucking ads but preserves some actual useful text ads.


Interesting. I never care for those text ads.

P.S. Ant fix your email address

Why fix my e-mail address since this is in public? I don't want to be bot spammers.
"The eyeless ant asked God, 'Give me eye-lashes.'" --Georgian Proverb
   /\___/\         Ant(Dude) @ http://antfarm.ma.cx (Personal Web Site)
  / /\ /\ \                Ant's Quality Foraged Links: http://aqfl.net
 | |o   o| |
    \ _ /        If crediting, then use Ant nickname and AQFL URL/link.
     ( )         If e-mailing, then axe ANT from its address if needed.
Ant is currently not listening to any songs on this computer.
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