On 02/15/2015 06:10 PM, Ant wrote:
>>> A kind soul once instructed me to hit the <Shift> key
>>> at the same time as the "reply" button (or menu option).
>>> I have not checked if this is still the case,
>>> but at the time it seemed impossible to me to
>>> discover this from any menu or GUI element.
>>> A real usability puzzle.
>> Thanks! That is good to know. I generally us only plain text, but the
>> office that I now work at is almost exclusively HTML so knowing how to
>> switch easily is quite useful.
> Ditto for me too! :) Does your SeaMonkey ever prompt to use HTML format 
> when replying to a HTML formatted e-mail? Mine never seems to do that. :(

Interestingly I just clicked reply to an HTML email and I didn't have to
hit Shift-R, it automatically opened the reply in HTML mode. Nor did it
prompt me to choose between replying in plain text or HTML. If I use
Shift-R and then click 'Reply' it opens up the reply in plain text mode.
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