Ed Mullen wrote on 3/13/2015 2:06 PM:
Chris Ilias wrote on 3/13/2015 1:40 PM:
On 2015-03-12 6:46 PM, Evan Davidson wrote:
In the mailnews display of threaded messages, there were vertical line
connections showing the relationship (and amount of indenting) between
message comments. In 2.33, I no longer see them. (The amount of
indenting is OK.) Is this a bug?

The script in this blog post is for Thunderbird, but I just tested it in
SeaMonkey (on Mac), and it does work in SeaMonkey.

Not working in SM 2.33 Beta on Windows 7 Pro.

Also not working on Thunderbird 37.0b1.

Ed Mullen
Why do you need a driver's license to buy alcohol when you can't drink and drive?
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