Gordon Weast wrote:
Losing the lines is an annoyance, not a fatal error.  Yes, it is
possible to get the same information, just not in the simple manner that
the lines gave us.

That's exactly what I'm seeing. If this particular issue is generalized to Seamonkey 2.33, rather than my particular installation, then I'm ready to consider it one of those things that occasionally turn up in releases, and hope that it goes away in the next release. In the meantime, I can certainly live with this one -- annoyance, perhaps, but nothing that I'm going to take any serious effort with hacking at my configs to try to change.

If it's still in 2.34, and nobody has already filed a bug report with bugzilla, I might do that myself, but I'm not going worry about it until then.

Given apparent structural issues that caused a late release of 2.33, and indications that 2.34 could be late, as well, I'm quite willing to give the developers a lot of slack on this one, and consider this to be a low-priority fix.


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