Once in a while, I noticed my sent draft e-mails leaves a copy behind
in my SeaMonkey's Local Folders' Drafts folder. I have not yet to
figure out the pattern why this happens once in a while. Has anyone
noticed this too?

I don't use whatever Seamonkey means by Local Folders (embarrassed to
say after decades with this suite that I've never figured out its purpose).

But I regularly find emails left behind in my regular Drafts folder
after I've sent them. It's a bit of a mystery; one definite cause is
when I've saved a draft email, then modified it and sent it without
having resaved it first. It's rather a pain; I always have to go back
and be sure that email actually went out before I delete the remnant in
the Drafts folder.

Yep, it confuses me too hence why I asked. I wonder if this a Thunderbird bug or only in SeaMonkey. :(
"Not to engage in the pursuit of ideas is to live like ants instead of men." --Mortimer J. Adler
   /\___/\         Ant(Dude) @ http://antfarm.ma.cx (Personal Web Site)
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