
Once in a while I get this annoying error when I try to manually compact my e-mail folders in my SeaMonkey (SM) v2.33.1 in my very old, updated Windows XP Pro SP3 machine. The only way to fix it is to restart SM. Does anyone else get this rare problem too?

Thank you in advance. :)
"To the gods I am an ant, but to the ants, I am a god." --unknown
Note: A fixed width font (Courier, Monospace, etc.) is required to see this signature correctly.
   /\___/\         Ant(Dude) @ http://antfarm.ma.cx (Personal Web Site)
  / /\ /\ \                Ant's Quality Foraged Links: http://aqfl.net
 | |o   o| |
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     ( )              Chop ANT from its address if e-mailing privately.
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