David H. Durgee wrote:
Looks like you hit the nail on the head!  Despite my expectations, the
about: display reflects the UA as specified on the PrefBar setting!
When I changed this to "Real UA" I now see:

User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:41.0) Gecko/20100101
Firefox/41.0 SeaMonkey/2.38
Build identifier: 20150923193515

So despite the Build identifier being unaffected the user agent is.
Given this I guess I need to update PrefBar to reflect Firefox 41.

If you're using PrefBar, it's probably best to leave the UA setting at "Real UA" most of the time, and do spoofing only at times that you need another setting. Then switch back to Real UA, when the need for the spoof is completed.

Although I'm enthusiastic about using PrefBar (and my original installation was to allow for spoofing), I've found it very rare that I need to spoof a different browser, at least for getting around sites that do browser-sniffing improperly, and demand Firefox specifically, rather than Gecko (and Firefox as one among several Gecko-based browsers). I can't think of a time that I've needed to to spoof since the time that the default Seamonkey UA string was adjusted to include "Firefox".

The place where I most frequently use spoofing is with software downloads. For doing tech support, I have a collection of downloaded software, and some sites are aggressive at using the UA to determine what platform you're running, and offering a download, based on what's found. For me, if I'm working from Windows, it makes it more difficult to download a Mac installer on Windows, and the fast way around that is to spoof my browser, so that it shows that my platform is Mac.

For what it's worth, addons.mozilla.org does that kind of sniffing in the Firefox section. For a couple of months, I found that if I was downloading from the Firefox section (even extensions that explicitly support Seamonkey), that the Download button would not allow me to download, not even "Save Target as", if I was showing a Seamonkey UA. Easy enough to get around by spoofing Firefox, and I did complain about that in this forum. Since then, there's now a separate link for "download anyway", and I don't have to do spoofing anymore.

One thing that I've found is that if I leave spoofing enabled, then it also applies to the User-Agent header that the mail client inserts in message headers. I run the Display User Agent extension, and sometimes, if I'm working on filing copies of sent mail, I may see a message that shows not the familiar Seamonkey logo, but a Firefox logo, which is something that should not be in an email message.

When I see that, it's a reminder that I need to turn off spoofing, and go back to using the Real UA.

Of course, the other reason to use Real UA as your normal setting, is that when you do a version upgrade of Seamonkey, then you're showing the current version.

For me, I do have several spoof strings defined in PrefBar (and the default settings are *really* old), but I update those, when it's necessary to do so. Thus, if I'm spoofing Firefox, I think I have all those strings still set to show 39.0.0.


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