On 11/14/2015 08:49 PM, Ant wrote:
I do not have this problem.  If I left-click on the icon in my status
bar, I get a popup context menu that includes "Filter preferences".
Selecting that menu item, I get the Adblock Plus Filter Preferences
window.  At the top-right of the window is an Add Filter button, which
works for me.

Having created a new filter, I was later able to edit it.  I selected
the filter entry, right-clicked, selected Edit from the pull-down
context menu, and changed the new filter.

If none of this works for you, the problem might be caused by another
extension.  Disable all of your extensions except AdBlock Plus and try
again.  If it works then, enable your extensions one at a time, each
time trying to edit the filters until you fail.  That will isolate which
extension is causing the problem.

Since I have the same problem, I tried your ideas. None of them helped.
I even tried a brand new profile and installed ABP v2.6.11 from ABP's
web site. Same results. :(

I did notice when I try to add/edit filters, it goes to "Filter
subscriptions" tab and thinks I am searching as shown in
http://i.imgur.com/x7LMUQn.gif my screen shot/capture. :(

Are we trying to add Filter Subscriptions, or create a Custom Filter?

Adding and deleting Filter Subscriptions works for me.

If I click the Custom filters tab and then click Add filter group, I get another group added to the list, which I can name if I want.

If I click Actions > Show/hide filters, I get another pane where I can click Add filter, clicking the Filter actions button also seems to work if I have a Filter rule selected. That is if there is a Filter group with Filter rules there, as I have for Exception Rules in SeaMonkey.

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