On 12/18/2015 08:23 AM, WaltS48 wrote:
On 12/18/2015 03:52 AM, Daniel wrote:
On 18/12/2015 4:36 PM, Bret Busby wrote:

I am using Seamonkey on UbuntuMATE 15.10 .

The only menu option that appears for SeaMonkey in this installation
(on both of two separate computers), is "Mozilla build of Seamonkey".

In previously used SeaMonkey  (2.2x) on Debian 6, three separate menu
options were displayed in the menu (Applications -> Internet);
something like "Seamonkey Compose New Message", Seamonkey Mail and
NewsGroups", and, Seamonkey web browser", which allowed a user to
access the new message composer, or, the Mail and News Groups
component (to examine previously sent messages, and, for other uses),
or, the web browser component, without having to load the web browser
component (thence restoring the last previous saved session, if the
web browser component is configured to restart with the last session).

I do not know whether the developers read the messages on this list,
but I am wondering whether it would be possible to restore the
functionality, of having those three separate menu options, so that a
user like me, can chose to simply open the Compose New Message
component, without having to reload the last session of the web

Thank you in anticipation.

Bret, I'm using my Win7 SeaMonkey tonight, and have never seen "the menu
(Applications -> Internet)", so can only assume that is a UbuntuMate

However, in my installation, under "Window", I see that I can open and
change to any of five windows (Browser, Mail & News, Composer,
Addressbook and IRC). Do you not see this, or is this not what you are
referring to?? Maybe Ubuntu has modified SeaMonkey!

I think the question is could the SeaMonkey developers fix SeaMonkey so
his operating systems Application launcher shows the three items under
the Internet heading like it did in Debian.

AIUI Ubuntu doesn't even offer SeaMonkey anymore.

Users that want it for Ubuntu have to add a 3rd party repository called

UbuntuUpdates - PPA: Ubuntuzilla -

Or install from The SeaMonkey® Project -
<http://www.seamonkey-project.org/> which AFAIK doesn't add the
functionality. I don't see the items in my Application > Internet Menu.

I thought I had SM installed through my software manager, but it appears
I don't. IIRC when I did have it installed from a repo there were menu
items for launching the browser or mail, but not just the compose window.

Ah, just checked and it appears I have to add the Ubuntuzilla PPA if I want to install from my systems software manager.

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