G. Ross wrote:
>Clear cache and cookies and reload.
I cleared the cache and now it times out on weather.com without
loading anything.  It will load other websites.  I chickened out on
clearing cookies.

The only thing you lose by clearing cookies is if you want persistent authentication from session to session. Personally, I'm fine with authenticating myself on a new session (especially with using the Password Manager), but you may prefer not having to do those logins. I'm doubtful that clearing cookies will clear this problem, but if you can handle having to authenticate yourself once to all the sites you log into....

Are you seeing slowness in other applications (especially if Seamonkey isn't running)? If you're seeing no apparent improvement in Safe Mode (and it's also worth seeing how things behave with a different profile), it may be that Seamonkey is not the problem, but what's showing the symptoms of something else.

Over the last couple of years, I've seen several computers with chronic slowness issues (and nothing that could be attributed to tuning issues). In each case, I found that when I ran a tool that checked the SMART status of the hard drive, I got a report of relocated sectors.

If that happens, then that's indication of a hard drive that's in the process of failing, and you want to get the drive replaced.

The tool that I most often use to check SMART status is Crystal Disk Info, but I discovered recently that recent updates in Piriform's Recuva tool will also check that, as well.


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