
Thank you for these answers.  Did not realize we can post from Google
Groups to MAILMAN (how did you do that. My account names are
different too). I will have to try that...setting gmail to accept a
less secure client.

BTW, I just got spam addressed to be quoting my message, even though
my full address does bot show up here How did they figure that out?

Not sure which address you mean, but they're both clearly visible to me.

There's one in the domain <>, and one in the domain <>. I won't help the spambots by quoting them in full, but you might consider munging your address as I and many others do when posting to newsgroups. A human can take one look at my munged address and see how to convert it to the correct one, but a spambot just copies it mindlessly and gets a bounce.

Alternately, you could use a so-called "burner email" -- one that you'll discard as soon as the spambots catch on.

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher

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