

I thought I sent this yesterday but it seems not to have gone
through. I tried to enter my gmail data but got a message gmail
telling me they blocked the attempt to retrieve email from this
application because it was not an up-to-date one. I have the most
recent Mac copy of SM, so I want to confirm if, in fact, gmail does
not play ball with Sea Monkey, if there may be another reason for
that message, or what.

If true, and since I want to get away from OSX Mail due to its own
bugs in getting duplicates of gmail messages, it seems I may be
forced to have gmail forward new mail to my account.

Your advice welcomed.

"Hard to say..." ;-)

Can't speak for the Mac side, but I've been using various PC versions of SM for years to retrieve Gmail without difficulty or complaint from Google. Gmail does have a setting (accessible through their webmail) to enable POP mail downloads, but if you haven't forgotten to do that, you should have no problem.

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher

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