Rick Merrill wrote:
On 4/10/2016 7:02 PM, DoctorBill wrote:
Paul in Houston, TX wrote:
DoctorBill wrote:
Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
DoctorBill wrote:
For the last couple of months, I have had a heck
of a time connecting to
Google !

I almost continually get the "Network Time Out"
- Page Load Error.

I got onto Yahoo (hate Yahoo !) and this it
seems is an across the
Internet problem !
Try searching for this -
(Cannot+Connect+to+Google) and see all the
stuff you get !

Does anyone know what is going on ?
Do I have some kind of Virus or Trojan or
Maleware working to destroy
Google ?

One site says to "Flush my DNS Cache" - me no
unnerstand !  No idea what
to do there !

Steps in Windows:

1) Press the Windows key on your keyboard, then
the "R" key. This should open a dialog inviting
you to type the name of the program you wish to
run. Enter "cmd" (no quotation marks) and hit

Alternatively, click the Start button and enter
"cmd" in the search window at the bottom of the
list. When it finds "cmd.exe," click that.

2) In the window that appears, type
and hit Enter. The system should respond that it
has "successfully flushed the DNS resolver cache"
or something like that.

3) Type
and hit Enter to close the window.

Go back to browsing normally.

Malawarebytes found 15 non-threatening "Things"
which I had it remove.
After rebooting, Google came right up.
It did that about 10% of the time, however, so I
can't tell if this will continue or not.
Wish I knew if this problem was within my system
(trojan, virus or maleware) or not, just
for the grins of it.....


Google is now https.  Does your machine have
trouble with other https sites?

I used your "Startpage.com" to search for Google - which is https (how's
that different from http?)

Put that in my "home" and Google came right up !

Thanks for that piece of information !

Let's see if I have any more trouble......

Going now to find out http from https on that very Google !


https defeats man-in-the-middle attacks and therefore bypasses router
filters, FWIW.

HTTPS pages are encrypted, so look like garbage if intercepted, whereas HTTP pages are not encrypted.

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