On Sun, 24 Jul 2016 at 18:23:37 -0400, Felix Miata wrote:

If 2.33.1 was provided by your distro's package management system,
automatic updates from mozilla.org are not possible. From what source
did you install 2.33.1? If the install method basically amounted to
extraction from an archive (e.g. .tgz or .bz2), then just find and
delete the directory 2.33.1 was installed into and install 2.40 either
from your distro's package management system, or the version previously
pointed to via http://www.seamonkey-project.org/. My 14.04LTS shows
seamonkey-mozilla-build 2.40 available as having been installed from
Trusty sources, as configured at installation over two years ago.

Thank you Felix. Your suggestion to find and delete my old 2.33.1 installation has worked and I have now successfully installed v 2.40.

I was afraid to delete that 2.33.1 previously because I rely heavily on having a working SeaMonkey, but after making a full backup of all my SeaMonkey data, and given your encouragement, I felt confident enough to risk deleting it.

I suspect I got my original seamonkey-mozilla-build_2.33.1-Oubuntu1_amd64.deb from http://ubuntuzilla.sourceforge.net/ Mozilla project homepage, and yes I installed it using Ubuntu Software Centre, so I think that explains why it failed to update. I hope my new v 2.40 will update itself more easily.

    +  John

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