On 8/12/2016 1:04 PM, Gerry Hickman wrote:
> David E. Ross wrote:
>> On 8/10/2016 1:36 PM, Gerry Hickman wrote:
>>> David E. Ross wrote:
>>>> However, what I see is that the same Web page -- my own on a Web server
>>>> -- loads much slower if it is the first Web page I request right after
>>>> launching SeaMonkey.  If I clear my cache and then request it again, it
>>>> load very quickly.
>>> Try the same test, but with google as your home page. Do you still get
>>> slow result for first page load? I've seen low traffic web servers take
>>> a few seconds to "wake up".
>> I do not think that is the cause.  My home page is an HTML file on my
>> hard drive.  There is no server to wake up upon launching SeaMonkey.
> To clarify this specific point, did you not say "my own on a Web server" 
> two paragraphs above?

I launched SeaMonkey, which brought up a home page that is an HTML file
residing on an internal hard drive on my PC.  That home page is an
export of my bookmarks, automatically generated when I previously
terminated SeaMonkey.  I then selected the bookmark for my own Web
stite's home page, not the version also on my hard drive but instead the
version that is on my ISP's server.  That is when I observed a delay.  I
then returned to my home page, cleared my cache, and again selected the
link to my Web site's home page.  There was no delay.

NOTE WELL:  There are TWO "home pages" involved here.  One is the page I
get when I select the Home button on SeaMonkey's tool bar or [Go > Home]
on SeaMonkey's menu bar.  That page is displayed when I launch
SeaMonkey.  The other one is the index page of my Web site; it is at

David E. Ross

Republicans scream that Hillary Clinton was responsible
for the tragedy in Benghazi.  They conveniently forget
that it was the Republican-controlled Congress that
drastically cut the State Department's budget for
embassy and consulate protection.
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