On 12/26/2016 06:05 PM, Cruz, Jaime wrote:
> On 12/26/2016 06:37 AM, Frank-Rainer Grahl wrote:
>> Only Flash and one or two others are whitelisted for now. All plugins
>> but Flash will go away in 2.50+ and Firefox 53.
> Well THAT'S gonna suck big time, seeing as how my company's payroll site 
> is a Java applet...

And perhaps somone will be able to convince the FCC to change:

Java, JavaScript, and Cookies

To use ULS, your browser must be configured to Enable Java, Enable Java
Script, and to Accept all cookies.

ULS is the FCC's online Universal Licensing System. Of course if you
read the entire page you'll see that they have advanced all the way to
Windows 7 Java 1.6 and Firefox 3.6+ :-) That said, I do still find Java
reqirements in sections of their site and in ULS.

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