On 1/21/17, David E. Ross <nobody@nowhere.invalid> wrote:
> On 1/21/2017 2:04 AM, Ant wrote:
>> On 1/20/2017 10:00 PM, David E. Ross wrote:
>>> On 1/20/2017 7:40 PM, Cruz, Jaime wrote:
>>>> I'm getting tired of all of these sites that refuse to display their
>>>> contents until I disable my Ad Blocker(s).

seems like noscript + request policy continued should be almost as
good a blocker without the adblock signature.

>>>>  Does anyone know of a
>>>> "Stealth" Ad Blocker that blocks ads, but can't be detected by the
>>>> websites?  Something that signals to the server that the ad was
>>>> displayed but in reality was thrown into a bit bucket?  Surely SOMEONE
>>>> has come up with something like that by now?

  Privoxy is a non-caching web proxy with advanced filtering
capabilities for enhancing privacy, modifying web page data and HTTP
headers, controlling access, and removing ads and other obnoxious
Internet junk.

Not quite as useful as it once was now that most sites are using
encryption (ie. https://...), but it can still block ad sites.

>>> I have the PrefBar extension, to which I added a checkbox to the PrefBar
>>> tool bar that enables or disables AdBlock Plus.  When I find a Web page
>>> that will not load with AdBlock Plus enabled, I do the following:
>>> 1.  Back out of the site.
>>> 2.  Disable AdBlock Plus.
>>> 3.  Select the link to the site.
>>> 4.  Immediately thereafter, re-enable AdBlock Plus.
>>> The Web server detects that AdBlock Plus is not enabled and thus allows
>>> the Web page to download and display.  The server cannot then detect
>>> that AdBlock Plus is enabled and blocking ads.
>> In #3, you still get ads in the web page. :(
> No.  Very often, ads depend on scripts in the Web page running, which
> does not happen as quickly as I re-enable AdBlock Plus in step #4.

I'm a bit surprised that works without clearing the cache after step 2

Have you tried noscript + request policy continued?   Seems like that
would do almost the same thing without relying on getting abp enabled
at just the right time.

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