On 01/29/2017 08:34 AM, Richard Owlett wrote:
On 01/25/2017 08:21 AM, Richard Owlett wrote:
I've just changed laptops. The CRITICAL difference is the change
FROM a 4:3 aspect ratio TO 16:9.
I can properly display web sites if I *set ZOOM to 130%.
I can find settings for min and max zoom in about:config.

I wish to *FORCE DEFAULT ZOOM* to 133%.

By not being sided tracked an "obvious" but wrong "solution".
There was an obviously indexed list of "zoom factors".
My desired zoom factor was listed.
Obviously all that needed to be done was adjust the default value of the index.
Obvious maybe. But *WRONG* ;/

What actually had changed between the two machines.
The number of pixels per line had effectively been increased 33%.
So make a "displayed pixel" require 1/3 more physical pixels.
There is a parameter for that ;)

Another web search uncovered

The solution is going into about:config and change layout.css.devPixelsPerPx from -1 to at least 1.33

I chose 1.4 as it gave a more aesthetic solution.

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