On 5/27/17 2:02 PM, rickman wrote:
rickman wrote on 5/27/2017 1:45 PM:
When I was using T-bird I could not import calendar files by clicking on
them. If I tried it would open the file in an attachment to an email. In
Seamonkey it opens the file as text in the browser.

Is there a way to tell SeaMonkey to open the file in the calendar?

Also, I'm not clear on what happens when I open a calendar file through
File- Open- Calendar File. It opens in the app, but it appears to use that file as the data repository. How do I find out where calendars created in
the app will be stored.  When I create one and look at the properties it
just says, "moz-storage-calendar://" Where would that be under Windows? It
is not an environment variable accessible by the SET command.

I think I figured out a way to do this. I need to first create a calendar with the right name which creates a file in the default location. Then under Events and Tasks - Import I can load a given .ics file into that calendar.

That is what you need to do unless you want to Import them to the default Home calendar.

I guess the details of how a calendar is displayed don't get saved in the .ics file.

They don't.


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