MeOn wrote:

Seamonkey  latest version

I have been told that we cannot put images in posts and yet I see some
newsgroup post with photographs.

How is that done ?

AFAIK the image policy is just a social norm, not a technical block, so if you want to get scolded you can violate the policy (not recommended).

How do I delete posts ?
Or how do I obfuscate posts ?
Or how do I get rid of posts ?
These are not my posts but from others.
I.E. I do not want to be able to see these particular posts.

For me, the easiest way is to set View settings:

Messages | All
Threads | Threads with Unread

Then threads with no new messages will not be displayed. As usual, unread messages are bolded in the listing, so you can ignore the ones that are not bold (already read). Click the subject lines you want to read and they'll show in the preview pane, ignore the rest.

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher
support-seamonkey mailing list

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