On 6/10/2017 9:25 AM, Ed Mullen wrote:
On 6/9/17 at 4:41 PM, Lemuel Johnson's prodigious digits fired off with
great aplomb:
<< ... snip... >>

I'm having problems in particular with Vimeo, for example:

The video plays in a SM default profile, but not in my normal one,
even with all plug-ins set to "Never Activate" and all extensions
disabled. The "play" button switches to "pause" when clicked, but the
video doesn't start.  I assume corruption somewhere, but where?

Lem Johnson

Same here.  Nothing on Vimeo works unless using a default profile.
Nothing jumps out at me looking at User Set prefs.

I opened the Firebug console and attempted to play the video. When I click Play in my normal profile, four messages appear, the video does not play:

ReferenceError: reference to undefined property t[a][u].handler
for(var u=0,c=t[a].length;u<c;u++)if(t[a][u].handler===i){s=r;break}if(s===-1)re... player.js (line 4, col 35)

ReferenceError: reference to undefined property e._seekInProgressPromise
...kTimer(),this._onReady.then(function(){return _t.resolve(e._seekInProgressPromis... player.js (line 13, col 28591)

ReferenceError: reference to undefined property e.c3
...f.exists(e.ns_st_ci)||(e.ns_st_ci="0"),f.exists(e.c3)||(e.c3="*null"),f.exists(e... streams....min.js (line 1, col 22220)

ReferenceError: reference to undefined property m[1]
...var m=h[d].split("="),g=unescape(m[0]),y=unescape(m[1]);g&&(t[g]=y)}var b={};for... streams....min.js (line 1, col 1013)

In the SM default profile, no messages appear, the video plays. Color me confused.

Lem Johnson
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