David E. Ross composed on 2017-10-14 13:26 (UTC-0700):

> Richard Owlett wrote:

>> The standard is "View->Use Style->Default Style" which displays the page 
>> as author intended.

>> I find that many pages are *MUCH EASIER* to use if "View->Use 
>> Style->None" is selected. e.g. The content of any page in 
>> https://en.wikipedia.org is more readable if the body text uses all 
>> available display width.

>> Can the default be changed to "None"?
>> Can it be altered on a specific profile?

> Unfortunately, it appears that Use Style is not controlled by a
> preference variable. 

What use style none does is disable all CSS that is not internal to SeaMonkey.
That means author styles as well as any contained in your profile's chrome
directory (if any). Toggling that menu selection apparently causes a rather
complicated process.

cf. https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=208641

> I installed the PrefBar extension for many other features.  I then
> downloaded and imported into PrefBar the CSS Checkbox from
> <http://prefbar.tuxfamily.org/buttons.html#togglecss>.

Richard, you might wish to try an alternative to using style none on Wikipedia.
I've attached my personally created user CSS for Wikipedia. You could place it
in your profile's chrome directory (create if it does not already exist), and
call it through userContent.css (create if it does not already exist, append to
it if it does) in that same directory with this line:

        @import url("wikipedia.css");

Restart required to take effect. Simply delete those files to eliminate their
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 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

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