Jonathan N. Little wrote:
sean wrote:

Something about how linux reads the additional drives as "devices" limits my ability to have full read/write permissions, so I moved the local folders to my virtually empty /home folder... will give this layout a few test runs

Depends on how you mount them. I have a fileserver on my LAN where I store all our camera images so they are commonly shared by all workstations. On Ubuntu workstations the NFS share is mounted in fstab with line to my server aang2

aang2.lws.lan:/mnt/datastore    /mnt/datastore            nfs4 _netdev,auto,hard,intr  0       0

I have a subdirectory on the nfs share Camera with all our cameras dumped images so I created a link in the user profile:

~/Pictures/Camera that point to /mnt/datastore/Camera

So my Linux workstations have a common "local" access to Camera...

Rereading the thread more info. My example shows having a local "folder" as a network share, another partition or drive on the same system is similar and real easy... If the drive is just for you just create a directory for the mount point in your profile and then mount drive in fstab to that directory

/dev/sbd1 /home/sean/Documents/MoreStuff  ext4 defaults  0  2

Take care,

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