On 2017-12-02, Daniel wrote:

> I have been trying to set up my Linux SeaMonkey to use the same
> profile files as my Win7 SeaMonkey 2.49.1 on my Win E:\ drive. In
> doing this, I had stuffed up the location, you know, that bit where
> you select a location for the Profile .... and SeaMonkey puts the
> Profile in a folder *BELOW* that selected location!! This has resulted
> in my Windows SeaMonkey, when I boot up the Mail & News Screen,
> listing all the abook.mab, booklist.xml, blocklist-addons.json,
> bookmarkbackups, Cache, cache2, cert8.db, etc, etc, something like 50
> files and folders showing up on-screen in my Win7 SeaMonkey e-mail
> account screen.
> No problem, I thought, its about time I had a new profile and then I
> could just copy over the required files and then, after some time, I
> could delete and remove all the old profiles and their
> files/folders. Or so I thought!!
> I started SeaMonkey, went to Tools->Switch Profiles, selected "Manage
> Profile" then "Create Profile" and created a new Profile. Of course, I
> like to install my Profiles where I want, on my E:\, so on the second
> screen, I selected "Choose Folder" and selected where I wanted the
> Profile on the E:\ drive.
> When I finished the Profile creation, I noticed the "Create Profile
> Wizard" screen showed that my "user settings, preferences and other
> user-related data" would be stored at
> C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\SeaMonkey\Profiles\(gobble-de-gook.Default
> User.
> No problem, I thought, that's just where "they" store the extraneous
> part of the Profile. Then I went looking for my profile and it wasn't
> anywhere near where I had told SeaMonkey to put it! I then tried to
> create a new Profile directly under my E:\ .... and it didn't show up,
> but still the
> C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\SeaMonkey\Profiles\(gobble-de-gook.Default
> User was showing up on the Create Profile Wizard.
> What am I doing wrong?? Or is the "Create Profile Wizard" broken in
> that it will not allow me to put a Profile where I want it?? Could
> someone else try creating a new Profile using the "Create Profile
> Wizard" on Win7 or, possible 10, in SeaMonkey 2.49.1??

I don't have a lot of experience with profile directories and the
profile manager, but it is probably worth a try to look at the
profiles.ini file (yours should be at
, I guess).

If Linux can read and write safely to the Windows filesystem, and this
is always mounted, you could consider even creating a symbolic link on
the linux side, that would "place" the windows profile folder in the
directory where the linux seamonkey expects to find the profiles:

    ln -s 

(All in one line; the single quotes will be needed if the actual path
does have a parenthesis or some space) and then adding windows.default
to profiles.ini on the linux side:


N is usually a sequential number (entries here are Profile0 and
Profile1). I don't know if it *must* be sequential, but just check what
entries do you have and pick the next "available" number.  The
profiles.ini file on linux should be at
$HOME/.mozilla/seamonkey/profiles.ini .

Going back to windows, about putting the profile somewhere else, you can
also set IsRelative=0 and set it to the path under E:\. This would be
the full path to the actual directory/folder containing all the profile
files ("(gobble-de-gook.Default User").

See also http://kb.mozillazine.org/Profiles.ini_file

When doing this close all seamonkey instances and, just to be safe, make
backups of profiles.ini and all your profiles.

Nuno Silva
support-seamonkey mailing list

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