Daniel wrote:
I have been trying to set up my Linux SeaMonkey to use the same profile files as my Win7 SeaMonkey 2.49.1 on my Win E:\ drive. In doing this, I had stuffed up the location, you know, that bit where you select a location for the Profile .... and SeaMonkey puts the Profile in a folder *BELOW* that selected location!! This has resulted in my Windows SeaMonkey, when I boot up the Mail & News Screen, listing all the abook.mab, booklist.xml, blocklist-addons.json, bookmarkbackups, Cache, cache2, cert8.db, etc, etc, something like 50 files and folders showing up on-screen in my Win7 SeaMonkey e-mail account screen.

No problem, I thought, its about time I had a new profile and then I could just copy over the required files and then, after some time, I could delete and remove all the old profiles and their files/folders. Or so I thought!!

I started SeaMonkey, went to Tools->Switch Profiles, selected "Manage Profile" then "Create Profile" and created a new Profile. Of course, I like to install my Profiles where I want, on my E:\, so on the second screen, I selected "Choose Folder" and selected where I wanted the Profile on the E:\ drive.

When I finished the Profile creation, I noticed the "Create Profile Wizard" screen showed that my "user settings, preferences and other user-related data" would be stored at C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\SeaMonkey\Profiles\(gobble-de-gook.Default User.

No problem, I thought, that's just where "they" store the extraneous part of the Profile. Then I went looking for my profile and it wasn't anywhere near where I had told SeaMonkey to put it! I then tried to create a new Profile directly under my E:\ .... and it didn't show up, but still the C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\SeaMonkey\Profiles\(gobble-de-gook.Default User was showing up on the Create Profile Wizard.

What am I doing wrong?? Or is the "Create Profile Wizard" broken in that it will not allow me to put a Profile where I want it?? Could someone else try creating a new Profile using the "Create Profile Wizard" on Win7 or, possible 10, in SeaMonkey 2.49.1??

The default folder for a new profile is "C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\SeaMonkey\Profiles\(salt).(Profile Name)". If you specify a profile folder, the profile is created directly in that folder - not in a (salt).(Profile Name) subfolder. It seems that you cannot specify the root of a drive as the profile folder; you have to specify a subfolder.

You need to specify a folder such as "D:\Default User". The folder can be named however you like; it doesn't have to include a salt (gobble-de-gook) or the name of the profile. The salt is just a random string which gives a slight increase in security against certain types of vulnerability. If you want the profile directly to include the salt prefix, you need to specify it as part of the name e.g. "D:\12345678.Default User" (except that "12345678 is not particularly random; you could perhaps use whatever SeaMonkey proposed in the default profile folder name). Including the profile name as part of the folder name is not essential but helps you to know which folder is for which profile without having to look it up.


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