How to enable or disable secure connections (HTTPS) check

The topic has already has been discussed a few times in the past. You can also install the Kaspersky certificate into SeaMonkey and imho make your browser more vulnerable to man in the middle attacks.


Roger Fink wrote:
On 2/18/2018 2:15 PM, Roger Fink wrote:
I just installed Kaspersky Free anti-virus in place of Avast Free, and
unlike the interaction with the other three browsers that are installed
on this Win7-32 machine, it doesn't work well with SeaMonkey (or perhaps
better said, SeaMonkey doesn't work well with Kaspersky). I would guess
that 1/2 of my connections are flagged as untrusted, including common
sites such as Bloomberg, Yahoo Finance and the New York Times. Some of
these flagged connections can be successfully overwritten by creating an
exception, but others can't, and still others are "unsuccessfully
overwritten" in that javascript doesn't work on the resulting page.

One of the other installed browsers is Pale Moon. Its bookmarks are
identical to SeaMonkey, but they all work perfectly. I can't nor should
I make changes to Kaspersky to accommodate different browsers but I'm
wondering if there is some configuration in SeaMonkey that I can change
that would put things right.

btw, Kaspersky was installed after the upgrade to 49.2 so I don't know
whether this is a version-related problem or not (I suspect not).

Also: safe mode has no effect on the problem.

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