On 3/6/2018 9:00 AM, Frank Nemec wrote:
> Hello --
> At the top of the SeaMonkey window, there used to be a line of links(?) --
> "File  Edit  View  Insert  ...  Help" more-or-less...
> Either I caused it to disappear through an inadvertent finger-check, or 
> it disappeared with the last SeaMonkey upgrade.
> OS is Windows7 Version 6.1 (Build 7601 Service Pack 1)
> SeaMonkey is 2.48 or later, I think -- I don't know how to determine 
> release/version
>                  other than clicking "Help" and clicking "About 
> SeaMonkey"... and the line with "Help"in it ain't there anymore!
> I first noticed the loss when I attempted doing "Find on this page" -- 
> not having that available is a real handicap.
> Regards,
> Frank Nemec
> mtn0ys...@peoplepc.com

If your SeaMonkey window fills your monitor screen with a minimal tool
bar at the top, try pressing F11.  This toggles between a full-screen
window and standard window.

David E. Ross

President Trump:  Please stop using Twitter.  We need
to hear your voice and see you talking.  We need to know
when your message is really your own and not your attorney's.
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