On 3/12/2018 12:41 PM, NFN Smith wrote:
> DoctorBill wrote:
>>> WHY can't I stop any web page at any time ?
>>> DoctorBill
>> I have "NoScript" running (I think!) but as to what choices to toggle in
>> the program menu - they are ALL JARGON which I do not understand !
>> I don't even know if it actually IS doing anything...
> My experience with NoScript is that it blacklists everything by default, 
> and that you generally have to whitelist (temporarily or permanently), 
> individual scripting hosts.
> At first level of user interface, the default handling is to put a small 
> icon in the toolbar at the very bottom of a Seamonkey window. In my 
> display, that's between the lock icon that shows certificate 
> information, and the icon shown by AdBlock Plus.  In my own 
> implementation, I also tweak my Navigation toolbar at the top of the 
> display. If I right-click on that toolbar, and select "customize", that 
> allows me to drag NoScript buttons into the toolbar.  The buttons for 
> Temporarily All Scripts in this Page, and Revoke Temporary Permissions 
> should be self-explanatory.  If you use the NoScript button, that's the 
> same thing as you get with the icon at the bottom of the page.
> If you dig further into the options settings, there's stuff that's a lot 
> more cryptic, and I don't understand a lot of them myself, especially in 
> the Advanced tab -- a lot of that assumes knowledge of web page design. 
> For most of what you want, the settings would be in the General and 
> Whitelist tabs.  For most of the stuff in the other tabs, default 
> settings should be adequate, unless you know you have specific reason to 
> change something.
> NoScript has a lot of power, but it takes some tinkering with to get it 
> tuned for what you want, especially in handling whitelisting or marking 
> specific scripting hosts as permanently untrusted.
> For me, I'm generally content to leave nearly everything blacklisted, as 
> a default, and then temporarily whitelisting, when needed. But even that 
> takes a bit of tinkering.  There's certainly sites that I trust (e.g, 
> scripting coming from the domain name itself), and I trust certain 
> scripting engines.  Scripting from content mirrors (such as cloudfront), 
> or Content Delivery Networks (with CDN) are generally candidates for 
> whitelisting. On the other hand, stuff from advertising networks (many, 
> but not all may have "ad" in the name, such as adsonar) are worth blocking.
> Depending on your browsing habits, some scripting hosts deliver both 
> stuff you want to see and stuff you want to block, and sometimes you 
> have to choose to accept the garbage, for stuff that you want.  This is 
> especially true with some sites that use the same scripting host to 
> deliver auto-play media content, photos, and text content.  I've also 
> found that with some sites, it takes multiple runs of "Temporarily allow 
> all on this page". Some scripting hosts may not try to deliver stuff 
> immediately, until you've granted permission to other scripts.  And this 
> is especially true with sites that do forms (particularly purchasing). 
> Occasionally, I'll get part way into a form, and discover that there's 
> scripts that are blocked. When I enable the scripts (and the browser 
> repaints the page), then I get a clean form, having lost everything 
> that's already been entered.
> If you're simply trying to block scripts when they get to be intrusive 
> or obnoxious, another approach could be with PrefBar.  One of the 
> options there is JavaScript, and if you have that enabled, it's a mtter 
> of just toggling a tick box on a toolbar, to turn on or turn off 
> scripting.  I don't use that one, but I make occasional use of similar 
> options of blocking/enabling images, cookies, sending referrer data, etc.
> Smith

There are actually two PrefBar options for stopping JavaScript.  Both
are in the vanilla PrefBar.

*  "Javascript (Tab)" works on the current tab or window.  For this one,
you have to move it from Available Items to Enabled Items.

*  "JavaScript" works on any subsequently launched tab or window but not
on the current one.  This one should already be in Enabled Items.

When I set these up, I called the first one "Local JavaScript" and the
second one "Global JavaScript".

NOTE WELL:  All this becomes defunct when SeaMonkey transitions to
Webextensions.  :(

David E. Ross

President Trump:  Please stop using Twitter.  We need
to hear your voice and see you talking.  We need to know
when your message is really your own and not your attorney's.
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