NoOp wrote:
On 5/8/2018 12:32 PM, Ray_Net wrote:
NoOp wrote on 08-05-18 19:03:
Have you tried the already included:
View|Message Body As|All Body Parts
that is included in both SeaMonkey and Thunderbird?

I did not have that option for "Message Body As" I have only those 3
- "Original HTML"
- "Simple HTML"
- "Plain Text"

Odd... I must have installed it via an extension/add-on or some other
means some time ago. It apparently is in my profile somewhere as before
posting I tested in safe mode (add-ons disabled). Sorry for the noise,
I'll see if I can figure out how I got it & then post back.

Somewhere else in this thread (or maybe on a web page I got to via a message in this thread) I see there is a preference "mailnews.display.show_all_body_parts_menu" which enables that menu item. It's "false" (don't show the option) by default. I guess you previously enabled that preference, or installed an extension which does so.


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